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- IMAIL 1.20 -- Questions and Answers
- Version 1.01 (06.08.91)
- written by Andreas Klein (2:241/8002@fidonet)
- 0. Introduction
- This text should help all people when installing IMAIL,
- the best mailprocessor I ever seen. Although IMAIL is a
- well documented and supported product I noticed that some
- problems occur very often. I try to describe possible
- situations and solutions which could help you if you use
- IMAIL on your system.
- If you have a problem not described in this text and you
- cannot solve, use the IMAIL-support-echos (IMAIL_HELP).
- I try to maintain this text as actual as possible, if you
- have problems which should described here, please send me a
- netmail with your problem and your solution. Moreover known
- bugs (are there any? :-) will be described here, too.
- Munich (Germany), 30.07.1991
- Andreas Klein (aka 2:241/8002)
- 1. IMAIL in general
- Q: I have a path to IMAIL, but IMAIL doesn't find his
- configuration.
- A: Set the IMAIL-environmentvariable to the path, where
- IMAIL can find its configuration, like
- Now, you can IMAIL from everywhere without switching to
- the IMAIL-homedirectory, first.
- Q: I am actually using TosScan and want to try IMAIL. Is
- it possible to transfer the TosScan setup into an IMAIL
- setup?
- A: Indeed, it is. Klaus Michael Ruebsam (2:247/816) wrote
- a program, which can transfer the whole TosScan setup
- into an IMAIL-setup.
- You only have to setup the additional features of IMAIL.
- Look for
- TS2IM120.*
- which should be at least available at the IMAIL-support-
- systems.
- Q: What about Security?
- A: Security is a very important topic today, so IMAIL offers
- you several possibilities to prevent unauthorized people
- to originate echomail through your system.
- If you set the "secure" switch in the echo area manager
- of an echo to Yes, IMAIL checks before tossing a message
- into this echo whether the originating system (according
- to the information in the packet header) is mentioned
- in the export list of this echo. So, only people getting
- this echo from you can distribute their mail again via
- your system, mails from other systems were tossed into the
- badecho.
- Therefore you should normally set "secure" to Yes, except
- you use programs like RAID which cannot write a system
- adress in the messagehaeder which is in your export-list.
- In this case, set only the security of the echos used by
- RAID or other programs to No.
- Systems can only request echos at your system if they
- are defined in the nodemanager and if they present their
- password in the subject-line of their request. If you set
- no password, they will never be able to invoke AreaLink.
- Moreover, they can only request echos of the groups
- you set in the nodemanager. This is the main reason for
- using groups of echos. You can specify which node will
- get which group of echos.
- Q: What's the Capability Word?
- A: The Capability Word (CW) is a part of each PKT-header. It
- is used to determine whether a packet is a Type 2+ or a
- Stone Age-packet.
- This is very important, the Type 2+ is newer and contains
- much more information than Stone Age. Only Type 2+ packets
- are use 4d-addresses, together with a Stone Age mailpro-
- cessor, you have to use a fakenet. Type 2+ is an extension
- of the Stone Age-packets, using free space in the header.
- The CW itself is a bitfield where each of the 16 bits is
- used as flag which show the capabilities of the program
- which created the PKT. It indicates whether the extended
- data in the header is valid. Moreover, it makes it possible
- to support several other, non Type 2+ packets.
- From FSC-0038:
- Actually, only the first six bits of the CW are used:
- Node Supports ---FTSC Type Supported --
- 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2+
- 2+,3, and 7 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
- 2+,3, and 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
- 2+ (this Doc) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
- Stone Age 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
- If the only the first bit of the CW is set, the packet was
- created by a Type 2+ mailprocessor and the extended data
- (for example zone and point-information) is valid.
- The CW also a solution for the TosScan-problem. The CW was
- introduced after TosScan 1.0 was released, so Joaquim
- Homrighausen had to find another solution to determine
- whether a packet was Type 2+ or not. He did it by checking
- the productcode and implemented only the programs which
- were type 2+ capable at this time, TosScan and D'Bridge.
- IMAIL was programmed later, so TosScan isn't able to
- recognize the 4d-structure of the packetheader.
- TosScan 1.0 was released, the CW
- 2. IMAIL on a point
- Q: My bossnode sends all my echomail back to my system.
- A: You are configured as a 3d-point at your bossnode or send
- your echomail with your fakenet-adress, although you are
- configured as a 4d-point.
- Q: TosScan tosses all my echomail into the badmail-echo.
- A: This is a TosScan problem.
- IMAIL is fully 4d-capable (according to FSC-0039 and
- FSC-0048). All mailpocessors use a unique product-code
- (according to the FTSC-productcode-list).
- TosScan was developped before these definitions were
- published and it accepts only packets with the product-
- code of D'Bridge or with its own productcode as 4d-packets.
- If you use IMAIL (without such programs like TWIST),
- TosScan uses only the net/node-information of the packets
- and thinks, that these packets were coming from itself.
- Therefore, they were tossed into badmail.
- Until a new TosScan-release is available, you have to
- switch back to fakenet or use one of the TWIST-programs.
- These programs change the productcode of the packets
- (which is not a very good solution).
- Q: My netmail is not packed.
- A: Did you changed your batch-files when installing
- IMAIL 1.20.
- The former IMAIL PACK call is now done by an own program,
- called IMPACK.
- Did you define the packrouting in IMSETUP before you
- called IMPACK. Otherwise you have to define the pack-
- routing via commandline (according to the docs).
- Q: How can I route all my netmail to one system except the
- mails for another system. Does IMAIL know an EXCEPT
- statement.
- A: Actually not, but you can use another construction to
- manage this situation. You want for example route all
- your netmail via 2:241/8000 except the mails for
- 2:246/18. Your setup should look like
- A 2:246/18 for 2:246/18
- B 2:241/8000 for ALL
- With this method, you can exclude single nodes or whole
- networks or zones from a default pack-routing.
- Q: My netmail is packed into the wrong packets, if I use
- A: IMPACK packs your netmail according to the following
- rules. The definitions in IMSETUP, Pack routing are
- processed top-down.
- Therefore, it might be, that you already qualified
- another node for netmail.
- Example:
- A 2:241/8000 for 2:241/ALL
- B 2:241/8005 for 2:241/8005
- This will never work. IMPACK reaches "A" and packs all
- netmail for net 241 into a packet for 2:241/8000. After
- that, it looks at "B", but there is no more mail for
- 2:241/8005 because it was already packed while processing
- "A".
- The correct order would be:
- A 2:241/8005 for 2:241/8005
- B 2:241/8000 for 2:241/ALL
- You should define first the exceptions and later the
- general rules.
- 4. IMAIL on a node
- Q: I want to have points, how must IMAIL be configured.
- A: There is nothing special, you enter each point in the
- nodemanager (with password and groups). You can either
- setup them as 3d- or 4d-points whereby 4d-points should
- be taken whenever possible. But there is some software
- which requires fakenet-adresses. The most point-software
- (including IMAIL) is 4d-capable, so there is normally no
- need for a fakenet.
- Q: I must use a fakenet and IMAIL should strip the fakenet
- from the PATH-line.
- A: Set the POINTNET-environmentvariable, like
- in your autoexec.bat (or at that place, where you set
- all your other things). IMAIL will now strip your
- fakenet-adresses.
- Q: I use IMTHINGS IMPORT to import the netmail for my
- BBS-users. But I can't find an export-function.
- A: IMTHINGS needs no special export-function, this will be
- done by the usual IMAIL SCAN call. IMAIL SCAN exports the
- netmail from all boards which are defined in the setup.
- Note, that you can setup one netmail-board for each aka.
- Q: All messages of a new echo were tossed to the badmail-echo,
- moreover the board cannot be requested by anyone.
- A: This is correct, if IMAIL creates a new echo in his config-
- files, it hasn't all information which are necessary for
- a complete definition of an echo. Therefore, the echo
- cannot be accessed by your downlinks.
- The mails must be tossed into the badmail-echo, because
- there is no boardnumber defined. IMAIL gives you the
- chance to see all these new mails instead of deleting
- them immediatly.
- Q: I set up the new echo, but the mails which reached me
- before were only moved into the new board, my downlinks
- didn't get them.
- A: IMAIl cannot export these mails again, because it cannot
- determine from which system they came. If IMAIL would
- export these mails to your downlinks, this would probably
- cause a great number of dupes.
- 5. IMAIL (registered version)
- Q: I registered IMAIL and got my key, but IMAIL still says
- "Unregistered Evaluation Copy".
- A: You must have renamed the key to IMAIL.KEY, your name and
- your system-adress (you gave as you registered IMAIL) must
- be set up correctly.
- The name (IMSETUP, Other Parameters, Sysop Name) must be
- spelled the same way than you spelled it when you registered.
- The system-adress must be one of your akas.
- If doesn't you call IMAIL from its homedirectory, you should
- set the IMAIL-environmentvariable to this directory,
- otherwise IMAIL can't find his config and key.
- 6. How to check if a problem is caused by IMAIL.
- It is not easy to determine exactly the reason of problems which
- can occur when you use computers. But it is helpfull, more
- neccessary to get as much information as possible. Before you
- ask your question in the IMAIL-support-echos, try to determine
- whether it is really a bug of IMAIL or whether it is a configu-
- rationproblem or a problem of another program.
- First of all, check the docs (and this text) which describe
- possible problems and their solutions. Second, try to ask
- one of the support sites mentioned in the docs.
- There are several programs which can examine the packets
- produced by mailprocessors (like my PKTVIEW). If you can't find
- a solution, try collect all the information (PKT-header, logs
- or setup) and send them to the support sites which would try to
- help you.
- If you use the support echo, your mail should contain all
- neccessary information so other people can help you. Normally
- it is usefull to check older mails of the echo, perhaps your
- problems was already discussed.
- I would try to publish such problems and solutions in updates
- of this text, so look for the newest version (which is always
- available at my system under the magic IMAILQA).
- 7. Known bugs
- Q: Are there actual any known bugs.
- A: No, there aren't any!